A December to Remember?
You want it.
You know you do.
A peaceful, quiet, sit-by-the-fire with warm snuggly sock and a hot chocolate (or hot toddy!).
The fire is blazing, the tree is lit, the packages are wrapped and all is well with the world.
Hallmark movie?
Scene from 1955?
Reality: It’s 2:00 am on Christmas morning, you’re still up wrapping gifts with your 12th cup of (cold) coffee to keep you going, dishes are in the sink from last night’s Christmas Eve gathering and the kids will be up in about 3 hours, excited for Santa.
Ho. Ho. Ho.
Next year will definitely be done differently.
Yeah, right.
Not if everyone else in my universe doesn’t change their evil ways and LET ME HAVE CHRISTMAS THE WAY I DREAM OF IT.
Hmmmmm…..why are you waiting for them to change? Let’s talk about what YOU want to be different THIS YEAR in your home with your family!
Yes, I know. December is like in 2 days.
“It’s too late. I’ll have to sit with what comes.”
No, ma’am. No sir. I will not accept this from you. Take the challenge to make THIS YEAR – 2018 – THE year that this will be THE December to Remember.
So, here goes. Give this a try and let me know how it works for ya. Leave me a .gif if this is helpful (or just because you have a .gif that makes you laugh).
1. Talk to your spouse and identify two traditions that you loved as a kid and want your kids to remember. Write them down.
2. Take a look at your calendar and write in these traditions. Commit to doing them with and for you and your family.
3. Look at that calendar again. Is there anything already planned that you really do not want to do. Decline the invitation. Yes, you heard me. Unless the event is at your house, or you’re bringing the main dish/gift/personality, let the host know that you’ll not be there. They may be disappointed and all will still be well.
4. Plan a movie night for each week and write them on the calendar. Get the popcorn and hot chocolate and popcorn ready to go, turn on the Christmas lights, turn down all other lights and get that movie rolling. Bonus points for lighting a fire (in the fireplace) and snuggling all together under a cozy blanket!
5. Drive around looking at Christmas lights with carols playing in the background. Bonus points here for planning (and following through with) this weekly – check out more than one neighborhood!
6. Have gifts purchased and wrapped by December 14th! That’s a Friday this year and will give you that entire weekend to sit back and pat yourself on the back for a job completed and well done! YAY you!
7. Lay on the floor looking up into your beautifully lit and well-decorated tree (yes, even a Charlie Brown Christmas tree fits this bill) and speak to one another in whispers. Feel the peace that surrounds you. Know that you can recreate this again and again…..throughout the year (only, maybe without the tree – fire hazards and all, you know…..).
Ok, there you have it. Some ideas to help you create your own December to Remember.
Be well.
Happy Holidays
~ Delee