What’s your level of pain? Of sadness? Of distress?

Have you ever had a doctor ask you about your pain level?  They ask you to rate it, generally from 0-10 with 10 being your greatest ever imaginable pain and 0 being no pain at all.  It works well because not only does it allow someone to have a sense of your current pain level, it also helps to notice when things are getting worse – or hopefully, better!

Sounds pretty reasonable and pretty cool, because while no one’s pain can be compared to another (although empathy might come close), a number system seems to work pretty well.

I do this with my clients.  All. The. Time.

And I’ve created a form that they can use to let them track all kinds of progress.  Think this might be helpful to you?  Send me a note (Check over to the right hand column…I’ve made it easy to contact me) and I’ll forward you a copy, along with how to easiest use it.  Maybe that will offer some perspective on where you are, where you’ve been and where you hope to be.

Take care,



A December to Remember?


Your Anger is Legitimate