Therapy for Men
Anywhere in Texas
“I’m a guy’s girl - and on some level I’m like a mom, favorite aunt, or sister that you’re comfortable talking to.”
Delee D’Arcy
The men I work with, are often stuck in this cycle:
You show up for everybody all day
There’s nonstop pressure: perform at work, help more at home, be SuperDad all weekend
The stress piles up and you bottle it. (I mean, what else are you supposed to do?)
You feel low-level irritated (let’s be honest: pissed off) all the time
You can’t remember the last time you were truly relaxed and happy
Your wife is mad you don’t connect anymore (I think she actually MISSES you!)
Your kids are afraid you’re gonna blow
And if your GD boss sends you one more email dumping his work on your plate…
Lost in translation.
The arguments, the bickering, the disconnection...it’s all happening right in front of you and it’s not making sense.
You feel like you’re saying what you need, you’re giving it your all (and then some), and it doesn’t feel like it’s enough.
It feels like it’s all getting lost in translation and the things that you have worked so hard for…
…feel like they’re turning into a tornado of a construction zone around you.
And you really wish you weren’t even on this page, trying to figure out how to get from point A to point B. But here we are.
And it’s ok.
The light bulb moments.
Imagine the struggle, the arguments, the anger, and the disconnect truly melting away.
Imagine nailing that promotion at work, stepping foot in a gym again, hanging with the kids without wanting to pull your beard out, and chatting with your partner about the day without the snarky, the snippy, or the ‘tude.
Imagine reconnecting through touch with your partner…or cry-laughing before bed…
Instead of rolling over and silently going to sleep.
And this was all because you tried some therapy, some counseling sessions….
…and dug into what’s really going on - in a solution oriented way.
A way that helps you understand, but also gives you the light bulb moments, the methods, and the strategies to seriously makeover your relationship, your career - your life.
I sh*t you not.
I know you’ve worked hard, and you're trying, and you’re doing the things you feel you’re supposed to be doing.
And I sh*t you not, you’re doing an awesome job.
And at the same time, some guidance, direction, and nudges are all that it takes to get some relief.
Do you think anyone at the top of their game doesn’t use coaching and therapy?
Everyone - athletes, CEOs, movie stars - they all use therapy and coaching.
It’s the ace up their sleeve that pushes them to the next level.
I can help you with all of it, in a way that is specifically oriented to men.
A handful of therapy sessions, a good dose of “methods to the madness”, and a dash of light bulb moments are all 100% doable and effective at healing your life, your relationships, and you.
So that you can seriously start to see the results.