I get nervous, too!

Anytime something new comes up, I get super nervous about it.

  • Going to meet someone new – check!

  • Going into a new gym – check!

  • Challenging myself to a new workout – check!

  • Walking into a new event/place by myself – (double) check!

  • Going to a new therapist – check!

I’m telling you this because my clients often tell me that they are nervous coming to therapy.  In fact, 9 times out of 10, someone acknowledges feeling anxious about walking into my therapy room.

And yet, there they are, doing the very thing that makes them nervous.


And I reassure them (and now YOU) that it’s perfectly normal feeling.

Perfectly normal to feel nervous as they bare their heart and history; as they become vulnerable with another person; as they begin to share their thoughts, fears and feelings with me.

It’s a HUGE step towards releasing some powerful stuff, letting go of things that no longer serve you.

Think about a time when you did the very thing that scared you.

How did you feel AFTERWARDS?  

As I checked off those things, I remember feeling relieved & more peaceful.  I remember changing my belief that I could do, and make it through, the very thing made me nervous.  I remember feeling more powerful and in control of me.

And then I found myself wondering if I was nervous, anxious, or simply excited?  Good question to ask!  Sometimes it’s one or all of the above.

If you’re anxious about starting therapy, give me a call.  Let me see if I can answer some questions that might help you schedule that appointment and walk through the door.


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A December to Remember?